Step into the enchanting world of House of Magic at Hennessey’s Tavern in Downtown Las Vegas! This 5-star, family-friendly comedy and magic show at Delirious Comedy Club guarantees an evening of wonder and laughter. As the sole full-time, professional comedy and magic show in Downtown Las Vegas, we present a distinctive fusion of mesmerizing illusions, extraordinary skills, and gut-busting comedy. Whether you’re a local resident or a tourist, our show provides the ideal opportunity to enjoy top-notch entertainment in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Inspired by the iconic Magic Castle in Hollywood, House of Magic puts a contemporary spin on the traditional magic show format. Our diverse lineup showcases some of the finest, most humorous, and most talented comedy magicians and variety acts from across the globe. Each show is a delightful blend of mind-blowing magic and uproarious comedy, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Complete with a full food and bar menu, which includes a specially priced kid’s menu, it’s a fantastic night out for the whole family.
House of Magic offers an all-ages experience, ensuring fun for everyone in the family. Witness the captivating performances that have charmed audiences of all generations. Secure your tickets now and get ready to be spellbound by the unforgettable House of Magic spectacle at Hennessey’s Tavern in Downtown Las Vegas!